The public address system controller is the platform that provides all control and supervision functions, audio signal processing and routing of all interfaces entering and leaving the system. The audio controller provides communication with the Central Control Application for Dynamic Passenger Information. It was made in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation elements of the Central Dynamic Passenger Information System and associated infrastructure IPI-6.

Audio controller is used for digital audio processing. Its main task is to decode the digital audio signal into analog form. The controller is a device that sends and receives information from the Central Control Application for Dynamic Passenger Information. Communication with the CASDI P application allows analog voice messages to be sent to dedicated amplifiers. The amplifiers provide adequate power and the speakers provide the right quality of broadcasted passenger information messages. The audio controller provides a number of control and supervisory functions. It has a display and the necessary indicators to indicate operating statuses. The controller provides connections to platform dispatcher stations and microphone desks. It allows VOIP telephony network connection, remote configuration, control and monitoring of devices using On Board Web, SSH, SN MP tools. Synchronizes the time of the internal RTC real-time clock from NTP/SNTP time servers.

The presented product catalog is for information purposes only, it does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 § 1 of the Civil Code. To confirm/establish technical parameters of the product, please contact the manufacturer.